Power Design didn’t miss a beat this Heart Month. With a focus on heart-healthy events from our Wellness team throughout the month – our #PDIFamily has been keeping busy.
We kicked off February with National Wear Red Day, coming together in a wave of red to walk around the lake and show support for the awareness of cardiovascular diseases – which continue to be a woman’s greatest health threat. Shelly Scamardo, our Health and Wellness Manager, represented Power Design at the 2020 Tampa Bay Go Red For Women Luncheon, the cornerstone event of the Go Red for Women movement in local communities. She spoke to nutrition and physical wellbeing, and the importance of incorporating movement into what you already do in order to encourage heart health.
“Identify the things that matters most to you, and combine movement with them,” Shelly said. “Take your dog for a walk, play with your kids. Miss your friends? Invite them to a yoga class!”
This month, our employees took that advice to heart, presenting a united front at the Gasparilla Distance Classic with runners participating in events ranging from the 5k to the half marathon. For those who don’t know, Gasparilla is an annual Tampa Bay event culminating in a variety of community events including a parade, an art festival and the Distance Classic. The race encourages a healthy lifestyle and offers employees an opportunity to connect outside of work.
Meagan Pravden ran the 8k, noting how much she looks forward to the event every year.
“Thanks to the support and efforts from the wellness team, we are able to run it as a group and support each other in our running and fitness goals,” Pravden said.