Construction News and Blog | Power Design

Leading the Charge: Senior Super Council

Written by Power Design | Apr 3, 2024 8:40:39 PM

Leaders in the field, leaders in the community, leaders of the future generation – let us introduce you to Power Design’s Senior Super Council (SSC). 


Power Design’s Senior Super Council is made up of all our senior superintendents across the organization — but each year, a representative from each region is voted by their peers to represent their designated region. The goal? To get our Field leaders in one room with our Executive Steering Committee and operational leaders to collaborate and create new ideas and practices that can help take Power Design even further. The SSC crew that came to the GRID was chosen for their excellence in the field, their innovative practices, and their ability to lead and mentor their teams towards becoming future leaders. 



This past week they met with each other, executive leadership, as well as various departments and groups across the organization. They exchanged perspectives and new approaches with Learning & Development, our Safety Team, and SMEs across all scopes. The focused week allows time for deep discussion, and opportunity planning sessions that ultimately craft strategies for each superintendent, their region, and their dedicated project teams.  


Every quarter, SSC representatives will return to the GRID to discuss company-wide updates and their experiences from the job sites; all to stay connected and continually elevate the experiences of our team members and partners.  





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